像這次我訂的這間肖爾迪奇尼卡公寓 (Shoreditch Níké Apartments)超推薦的因為
肖爾迪奇尼卡公寓 (Shoreditch Níké Apartments) 的介紹在下面
以下是 肖爾迪奇尼卡公寓 (Shoreditch Níké Apartments) 的介紹 如果也跟我一樣喜歡不妨看看喔!
Located within one of London’s most eclectic areas but a short distance from the financial district, Shoreditch Nike Apartments offer modern self-catering accommodation. Free WiFi is available, and all apartments are a short walk from Shoreditch High Street Station.
With wooden flooring throughout, Shoreditch Nike Apartments are decorated in a bright style, with crisp white bed sheets and walls contrasting with black bed frames and dining tables. Each living room has comfortable sofas and a flat-screen TV, whilst each bathroom has complimentary toiletries.
With cookware provided in the kitchen, guests have the facilities to be self-sufficient in London. However for those who prefer dining out, the full range of London’s food options and nightspots are within a 10-minute walk in Hoxton, Brick Lane or Shoreditch.
Columbia Road Flower market is approximately 0.5 miles from the apartments, whilst fashionable Dalston is a 10-minute bus ride away. Liverpool Street Station is a 15-minute walk away, and from here there are bus/train connections to Stansted Airport.
- 【提醒您】加床規定依房型而異,請查看各房型的可入住人數限制了解詳細規定。
The apartments are located within 5 minutes' walk of Shoreditch High Street Overground Station.
Check-in after 21:00 will be subject to a charge of GBP 20 and after midnight, a charge of GBP 30 will apply.
The cardholder must be present at check-in.
If you plan to arrive outside reception hours, please inform the property in advance. After a booking is made, you will receive an email from the property with further instructions regarding payment procedures and key collection.
Group bookings of 3 apartments or more and bookings for more than 6 nights are subject to pre-payment. On confirmation of booking, 30% of the total price is required. The final balance is to be paid 14 days prior to arrival. Full cancellation policy and charges will be advised directly to guests by the property. Bookings by groups of over 8 people: For guests who are less than 25 years old and last-minute reservations (same day arrival), the apartment provider reserves the right to require deposit in form of cash and to double the amount of the security deposit.
Please note that parties are not allowed at the property.
For groups of 6 guests or more, the security deposit will be GBP 50 per person. The final balance is to be paid upon arrival.
Properties may be located within a 15-minute walk from the advertised area.
Upon check-in, guests must show a valid, government issued photo ID and credit card used for the booking. The card holder must be present upon arrival.
Visitors after 22:00 are not permitted. Guests may be evicted if this rule is not adhered to.
The lead guest must be at least 18 years old, otherwise they will not be allowed to check in.
Please note that the pictures shown are selected from several apartments. The apartments are of a similar standard, but may differ to the ones shown. Please note that the check-in
肖爾迪奇尼卡公寓 (Shoreditch Níké Apartments) 討論,推薦,開箱,CP值,熱賣,團購,便宜,優惠,介紹,排行,精選,特價,周年慶,體驗,限時
每年暑假動漫迷們最引頸期盼的就是漫畫博覽會了,第 18 屆漫畫博覽會今年預計觀展人次可破 50 萬,締造 2 億商機,讓超商、網購業者也抓緊商機,萊爾富推出「動漫趣」預購專刊,網羅 70 款人氣動漫周邊商品,樂天市場也搭上漫博熱潮,祭出新會員消費滿額送點數的優惠,積極搶占動漫、卡通電影周邊市場商機。
萊爾富看好動漫產業的蓬勃發展,即日起到 10 月 24 日推出「動漫趣」預購專刊,特選 18 部熱門動漫作品,收錄近 70 款人氣動漫周邊商品,包含:《銀魂》卡樂隨身錢包、《少女與戰車》午安枕及輕便束口後背包、《排球少年》筆記本、《刀劍神域》闡釋者鑰匙圈與三用帆布包等,商品價格帶落在 75 元到 1080 元間,預計為預購型商品帶來近百萬的業績成長。
不僅超商業者看好動漫商機,根據樂天市場統計,7、8 月卡通、動漫相關角色的周邊商品銷量相較前季明顯增長 3 成,露天拍賣玩具、公仔類商品的交易量也相對同期成長 4 倍。
樂天市場表示,今年不僅是七龍珠完全版 15 周年,更有美少女戰士 25 周年紀念與飛天小女警特展,帶動暑假動漫周邊商品熱賣,除了經典動漫航海王之外,近年療癒系當道,迪士尼系列、蛋黃哥、卡娜赫拉等萌系卡通人物,也時常搶下熱銷排行榜,因此他們搭上漫畫博覽會熱潮,即日起到 8 月 31 日,新會員消費滿 699 就贈送超級點數 100 點。
此外,露天拍賣觀察也發現,除了日系動漫周邊熱銷之外,美系漫威英雄周邊商品於玩具公仔類商品買氣屹立不搖,近一周和單月銷量皆成長 3 成,蜘蛛人、神力女超人、夜魔俠等玩具公仔買氣隨著電影熱度不減,持續受到動漫迷青睞,魅力襲捲玩具公仔收藏家。
金管會證實,現任保險局長李滿治將於 8 月中旬退休,預計 9 月轉任財團法人金融消費評議中心董事長,至於新任保險局長尚未確定。時代力量立委黃國昌則批評金管會正事不幹,就忙著安插金融肥貓,轉任評議中心專任董事長,每月可支領 20 幾萬元的高額報酬與費用。不過,金管會則說,評議中心有 9 成案件都是保險糾紛,才請保險局長退休後去專任該職,每月薪水也沒到 20 萬元那麼多。
黃國昌在臉書發文質問金管會主委李瑞倉,當社會上對改革金融幫亂象的呼聲不斷之際,沒想到金管會,放著正事不好好幹,竟然忙著幫即將退休的高官,安插金融肥貓。財團法人金融消費評議中心的董事長,為了維持該中心所必要的專業性與獨立性,向來均是兼任職,每月僅支領 9300 元的兼職費。令人難以相信,金管會為了替即將退休的保險局長安排去處,竟然正在加緊簽辦由其退休後,自 9 月開始轉任評議中心的專任董事長,每月支領 20 幾萬的高額報酬與費用。
黃國昌質問金管會,將評議中心董事長改為專任之必要性何在?尤有甚者,竟然是安排由金管會即將退休的高官轉任?評議中心所提出的 2017 年預算,上面還清楚載明兼任董事長的報酬,是每月 9300 元。今年 9 月改採專任董事長後,肥貓級的薪水是要從哪裏挪用?黃國昌還點名行政院長林全知道這件事嗎?不整頓金融幫亂象,社會大眾已經非常不滿了,你還要任由金管會這樣繼續亂搞下去嗎?
對此,金管會則回應,評議中心有 9 成案件都是保險糾紛,目前董事長也是兼任,現任評議中心董事長林建智從政大借調,日前已主動請辭,9 月 6 日將回去學校教書,基於協助金融消費者爭議處理,金管會認為聘請專職董事長,才能更專注相關問題的處理,因此,才請保險局長退休後去專任該職,並沒有所謂的安插肥貓。
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